Spring Conference: Hotels

Where would you like to stay…

The Tickets for the FLOSSUK Spring Conference, held in Manchester between the 14th-16th March, are now available and some of you will be planning your travel. We thought we’d take a moment to discuss the location and some of the available hotels in the area.

The Venue is at the Studio on 51 Lever Street Manchester and there are a number of nearby hotels (within 1 kilometre or 15 minutes casual walking) that can be used. The FLOSSUK Council have chosen the Britannia on Portland Street as their hotel of choice.

The following list is not comprehensive and there are others available on many popular sites such as Booking.com or Hotels.com. In particular there are apartment and hostel accommodation for those travelling in larger groups or on a budget.

There is a map (that will be updated with the hotels, conference locations and any suggestions we have for food, drink, shopping and entertainment) and it can be seen below or found here (http://bit.ly/flossuk2017gmap):

If you would like to add details to this map then please do so with the link provided (note that due to editing settings you may be required to request access to do so).

Please note that the Call for Papers and Workshops is still open and will remain so until the 24th January 2017.